One day Me, Bronwyn and Georgia were getting ready to go to social altogether and then we went into the hall at OIS and Georgia still had her bike helmet on and then she released and said I didn't remember putting it on. Me and Bronwyn started laughing our heads off. Then Miss McGowan looks over at Georgia and starts laughing her head off. Georgia took the bike helmet off and went outside and put the bike helmet on the ground. She came back in. Social had finished and we all went outside and the bike helmet went missing forever.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
100 Word Challenge
In the weekend there was a boy called Matthew. He was in the bathroom. He felt really ill and then 5 minutes later he spewed yuck. I say that is so disgusting. I can't feel ill because my friend is coming over, he said and then I laughed at him because he said that he has a friend coming and also I said you don't have friends though he started bursting out crying because I said that. My mum goes into the bathroom sees all the vomit and yells out who vomited she said Matthew says definitely not me.. hehe.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Year 8 EOTC Week.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
100 word challenge week 8
Once upon a time in a far away haunted house, gradually things started to move such as tables and chairs. Me and my friend ran out screaming help us but then when we got to the door it wouldn't open. Ahhhh, screams my friend. We went into a room where my other friend and we asked her if she could help us. She turned around and said run away as fast as you can. So we ran so fast that we sled on ice. The ice was on the ground. Get up quickly. The door is open. We got out.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
100 Word Challenge Week Seven.
My lockdown was awesome because I got to still talk to my friends and I also had a really good birthday for my birthday. We watched 2 movies. They were Frozen 2 and Jack, they were really good movies. Then we had dinner after dinner we had cake the cake was rainbow when we had the cake we saved 4 pieces for my Aunty's, Grandad, Nanny, and sister because she stayed at my Aunty's during lockdown.My mum order lots of easter eggs for us and everyone got up at 3am to see all the eggs. How was your lockdown?
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Week 6 100 Word Challenge
Once upon a time there was a river and polar bears lived there, some owners had to look after the polar bears but one time a polar bear went on to the ice and the ice broke apart and so the polar bear went missing. The owners started yelling where’s the polar bear. The polar bear that went missing was very young and his mother was very upset and was waiting for him to come home. Yay someone Yelled because they had heard that the owners had found the polar bear, after all that they named the polar bear Missing.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
100 Word Challenge
Monday, June 29, 2020
Term Two Reflection!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
100 Word Challenge.
Monday, June 15, 2020
100 word challenge
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
100 word challenge
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
100 word challenge
Monday, May 25, 2020
100 word challenge week 1
Monday, March 16, 2020
My Avatar

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
1. Swimming sports. I am very excited for swimming sports because I can have so much fun in the pool.
2. Triathlon. I am going to do it with 2 of my friends so I am so excited to run.
3. Touch. I love playing touch because I get to see my friends run with the rugby ball.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
10 Things That Make Me Happy.
#1. Hanging with friends. I like hanging with friends because they make me feel better and make me laugh.
#2. Playing sport. I like playing sport because I get to see my friends and get some exercise.
#3. Family. I love hanging out with my family when we get the time because we all make everyone happy.
#4. School work. I like doing some school work because it helps me learn lots of stuff.
#5. Homework. I like going home after school and telling mum that I have homework can she help me please.
#6. Playtime. I like playtime because I can practise everything (sport practise).
#7. Pets. I love going home and playing with my pet cat called Buddy (he is so playful).
#8. After school. I like going home after school and bouncing high on my trampoline.
#9. Reading. I love reading it is my favourite subject because when it is bedtime I will crawl into bed with a book and read my book well i'm lying in bed.
#10. Spare time. I love playing with my cat, reading a book and doing my homework in my spare time.